iPhone Index 2023: Where will you earn money fastest on Apple’s latest flagship?
We calculated how many man-days are required in order to earn enough money for the latest Apple flagship in different countries
We calculated how many man-days are required in order to earn enough money for the latest Apple flagship in different countries
We compared the delivery terms and costs in the biggest online supermarkets offering delivery services
We compared the prices of basic food products in some of the most popular online supermarkets
We took a closer look at the poultry prices in the MENA region and found the country in which meat is ridiculously expensive. You won’t believe which country it is!
We juxtaposed the data from 105 countries worldwide
We checked the purchasing power of the average wage in relation to petrol in over 100 countries worldwide.
Picodi.com analysts calculated how many years of work are required to earn 1 million dollars in different countries
We compared the single ticket and monthly pass prices and juxtaposed the transport expenses with local average wages
We compared the price of computer components and peripherals in 50 countries worldwide and juxtaposed them with average wages in those countries.
We checked the prices of subscriptions and juxtaposed them with average wages in 60 countries worldwide
We examined the situation in the United Arab Emirates as well as in other countries in the world
We examined the change in petrol prices in the last few months around the world and checked if petrol in the UAE really is the most expensive.
Ranking of iPhone prices to average wages in various countries
We checked how petrol prices increased and which country has the best petrol price to average wage ratio.
Does entering the world of video games cost a fortune? Picodi.com has checked the prices of the latest generation consoles in the UAE and around the world.
We converted the new iPhone into workdays: ranking for the UAE and dozens of other countries.
Picodi.com team examined the change in petrol prices in several dozen countries and calculated how many litres of petrol an average Emirati can afford in 2020.
Picodi.com looked into Emiratis’ toiletry bags: we found out which make-up products are the most loved and summed up how much money people spend on cosmetics in the UAE and around the world.
Picodi.com Analysis Team investigated Google search queries and created a ranking of the activities which gained the biggest popularity in the times of pandemic.
The comparison of monthly passes in the biggest cities around the world
Emiratis’ views toward the November shopping holiday
The latest analysis by Picodi.com juxtaposes the price of iPhone 11 Pro and average salaries in several dozen countries around the world.
Picodi.com decided to look into prices of 2D and 3D movie screenings, as well as weekday and weekend sessions, in European, Asian, African and American cinemas.
How many litres of petrol can you buy with an average salary in the Middle East and North Africa region and around the world?