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Public libraries: where is access to books the easiest?

PicodiMay 26, 2022

Public libraries not only provide access to literature and knowledge. According to the American Library Association, public libraries also play an important role in building and integrating the local community, providing residents with a place to meet and organize cultural events.’s analysts decided to find out which capitals and major cities around the world have the easiest access to public libraries.

In this study, we took into account libraries managed by city authorities as well as regional and national libraries located within city limits. We took the number of libraries per 10,000 residents as the index.

Availability of libraries in European countries

Public libraries allow all residents to use their collections usually for free.

Of the 39 European cities included in this study, the easiest access to public libraries is in Brussels. There is one library per 10,000 residents there. For comparison, the number of libraries per 10,000 residents in the German capital is only 0.25. On the other hand, in Prague—0.36.

Dublin in this ranking is placed in the 10th position alongside Riga: 10 thousand Dubliners and Rīdziniekis have less than one library, 0.44 to be exact. The total number of public libraries in Dublin is 24, taking into account the provincial and national institutions, while according to the latest data of the UN, 544,107 people live in Dublin.

The residents of Istanbul have the most difficult access to free books. For 10 thousand people, there is only 0.03 library. The same situation may be found in Zurich and Sofia—0.05 libraries per 10 thousand residents.

Public libraries availability in Europe

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Methodology and data sources

The study included municipal, regional and national public libraries located within the administrative boundaries of individual cities. University, private and specialist libraries were omitted.

The data comes from the official websites of individual libraries, networks of public libraries, and local authorities that supervise or collect statistical data on these institutions.

Information on the number of residents comes from official sources: data from censuses or forecasts provided by local self-government bodies or statistical offices.

The source list is available here.

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