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More about ThriftBooks:
What do we know about ThriftBooks?
ThriftBooks offers an extensive collection of books catering to a variety of interests and readership. Customers have access to a colossal inventory that includes more than 13 million titles, ranging from essential board books for the youngest readers to celebrated classics and scholarly texts.
Assortment of Books:
- New and used books covering a spectrum of genres and subjects.
- A selection of formats including Mass Market Paperback, Paperback, and Hardcover.
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Special Features:
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Customer Experience:
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- Community features like Book Club Reads, Coffee Table Books, and a Blog to engage and inform readers.
- Availability of rare and out-of-print treasures for collectors and enthusiasts.
- Customer service support for hassle-free shopping and returns.
ThriftBooks is committed to sustainability and charity, promising to donate or recycle books that are not purchased, furthering the life cycle of the printed word and encouraging readers to Read More. Learn More.
Complaints and returns in ThriftBooks
ThriftBooks outlines a specific policy for complaints and returns to ensure customer satisfaction. This policy details the conditions under which items can be returned, the procedure for initiating a return, and any corresponding refunds.
- Returns must be processed within 30 days of the original purchase date.
- The condition of the returned item must be the same as when it was received for eligibility.
- A full refund is provided for items that are returned in accordance with the return policy.
- If an incorrect or damaged item is received, a refund or replacement can be arranged.
- Refunds are issued to the original method of payment used for purchase.
- To initiate a return, customers need to follow the instructions provided by ThriftBooks for the return process.
- The return policy also applies to items that did not meet the customer's expectations in terms of quality or accuracy of listing.
If a customer encounters issues with their order or has specific complaints, the ThriftBooks support team is available to assist. However, the customer is responsible for adhering to the return guidelines as stipulated to facilitate a smooth transaction.
What are the delivery costs and methods in ThriftBooks?
ThriftBooks provides delivery of orders with several methods to cater to different customer needs. The specific methods of order delivery available from ThriftBooks include:
- Standard Shipping: This method ensures the delivery of books in recyclable packaging and is available for addresses within the United States. Moreover, there is an incentive of free standard shipping on US orders over $15.
- International Shipping: ThriftBooks services customers globally by offering international shipping options.
It is important to note that shipping costs and delivery times might vary based on the chosen delivery method and the destination of the order. Additionally, detailed information regarding shipping costs and estimated delivery times are typically provided during the checkout process.
What promo codes and promotions does ThriftBooks offer?
ThriftBooks provides a plethora of incredible deals and promo codes for book enthusiasts looking to save money on their purchases. Customers can enjoy free standard shipping on orders over $10, ensuring that they get their books delivered right to their door without any additional costs.
Specifically, ThriftBooks offers a 10% discount on selected books as part of their special deals. This promotion allows customers to access a curated selection of books at reduced prices. Shoppers should regularly check the ThriftBooks Deals section to capitalize on these savings with the latest promo code ThriftBooks.
- Another exciting offer involves the referral system; when you invite a friend, they receive 15% off their purchase while you earn 50 bonus points.
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Each month, customers can also explore the February Deals section at ThriftBooks. It's where bargain seekers can browse and find great avenues to save money on books. Promotions fluctuate, so there's always something new to discover.
To sum up, promo code ThriftBooks are plentiful at ThriftBooks, offering something for every reader. From genre-specific discounts to referral bonuses and monthly promotions, there’s a wealth of savings available for those who love to read.
- Picodi
- ThriftBooks