Consumer Rewards promo code - March 2025 - Picodi South Africa
All Consumer Rewards promo codes and deals are carefully verified by Picodi South Africa Team. Select one, go to Consumer Rewards and save money on your purchase!
Create an Account & Receive a Fashion Voucher | Consumer Rewards
Get a free voucher while creating an account. Learn more at Consumer Rewards.
Dance Competitions Available at Consumer Rewards
Win cash prizes with Consumer Rewards special dance competitions.
Big March Sale
Save a lot at Consumer Rewards with these March discounts!
Consumer Rewards Offer: Wine and Craft Beer Competition
Click on the link and provide your details to take a chance to win R2000 wine and craft beer vouchers. Head for the link to take advantage!
Consumer Rewards Deal: Win Woolworths Gift Card
Click the link in bio & fill in the details to win the Woolworths gift card.
Consumer Rewards: Become Nivea Tester
Click the link in bio & fill in the details to become the Nivea tester.
More about Consumer Rewards:
Consumer Rewards
You know how irritating it is, when you browse the Internet and all of a sudden a screen pops up to ask you to complete some survey, questionnaire or what not. It’s as unnerving as those people approaching you on the streets, asking for “a minute of your time”. Well, it’s natural that you feel this way. It’s your precious time they are wasting without giving anything back. But what if you could actually get something back? What if someone rewarded you just for answering a few simple questions? It would be great! In fact... it is – thanks to Consumer Rewards.
Consumer Rewards is an online company that organizes and conducting online surveys and questionnaires. The feature that distinguishes Consumer Rewards from other entities of this kind is the possibility of winning attractive prizes just for participating in one of the surveys. Those prizes take form of vouchers for a variety of products and services provided by co-operating companies.
How does it work?
Consumer Rewards organizes free online competitions that can be found on various stores’ and other companies’ websites. Those competitions are free to enter for all South Africans who want to take part in them. To enter you just need to go to a page with a particular competition, go through a short questionnaire and answer a few easy questions. Leave your e-mail and phone number so that Consumer Rewards may notify you in case you win. Prizes are drawn every week and the winners are announced on the Consumer Rewards website and its Facebook page.
What about prizes?
So, what can you really win by participating in such competitions? Is it worth your time? It definitely is! And no, you won’t win yet another faulty toaster that some store couldn’t sell to anyone. All the Consumer Rewards prizes are awarded in the form of discount vouchers for various products and services and for various stores in South Africa. Do you want a Takealot voucher? No problem. You could use some nifty discount for Checkers shopping? Well, winning a R1500 Checkers voucher will surely help you. Or maybe you would prefer MRP voucher? Do they have them? Of course, they do! How about Shoprite vouchers? And there is much more. You just need to choose which questionnaire to take to win vouchers that will be the most useful to you. And, what’s even better, there is no limit on how many surveys you can take. You can enter them all and make your winning chances even higher! Take advantage of Pick n Pay free vouchers win!
What has Picodi to do with it?
Well, that’s a good question. There are no discount codes for Consumer Rewards, because the whole procedure is free of charge. But Picodi can make your life easier also by other means. Visit Picodi.co.za and enter “Consumer Rewards” into the search box. Click on “Search”. You will find a full list of active competitions to join. Just click on any of them to be redirected to the proper page where you can start completing the questionnaire. You will be asked for some basic personal data, like name and surname as well as contact details. Then, you will need to answer a few simple questions. For the next step, you will see some exclusive offers for various stores, which you may check out if you feel interested. After this step, you will be officially a participant of Consumer Rewards competition. Don't hesitate to take advantage of free Pick n Pay Vocuhers South Africa! Go to Picodi and see Shoprite vouchers to be won 2018!
Picodi will show you which vouchers you can win in which competition and how much they’re worth. Look at this Edgars voucher below:
You can see its value, a short description and “Get the Deal” button which will redirect you to competition page after clicking on it. The information underneath the button indicates whether the competition is “ongoing” or expired. Small symbols of thumbs up and thumbs down on the bottom left are meant for marking whether the promotion works or not. The example of Edgars voucher shows that 58 people used the promotion and found out that it works. The lack of thumbs down shows that no one has had a problem with this promotion yet.
As you may already know, Picodi offers you discount vouchers for various stores. With Consumer Rewards the game is taken to the whole new level as you can win free vouchers for many stores in just one place. Isn’t it great?
Watch out for scammers!
Remember, that participation in Consumer Rewards competitions is completely free and you don’t need to pay for entry nor for prizes. If anyone wants you to pay for taking part in such competition – don’t enter it. Go for a proven quality, simple rules and genuine rewards. And if you have any doubts – visit Consumer Rewards Facebook page and check out all the people who won Consumer Rewards awesome vouchers.
Picodi provides you with many ways of saving your precious money. Check out how can you win awesome prizes with SA Rewards, SurveyNow and find new hot deals from Groupon. All that and more – only on Picodi.
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- Picodi
- Consumer Rewards